Nâng cấp từ vựng – IELTS Vocab Booster 2.CAM9 – Test2- READING PASSAGE 1

  1. Hearing impairment or other auditory function deficit in young children can have a major impact on their development of speech and communication, resulting in a detrimental effect on their ability to learn at school. This is likely to have major consequences for the individual and the population as a whole. The New Zealand Ministry of Health has found from research carried out over two decades that 6-10% of children in that country are affected by hearing loss.
  2. A preliminary study in New Zealand has shown that classroom noise presents a major concern for teachers and pupils. Modern teaching practices, the organization of desks in the classroom, poor classroom acoustics, and mechanical means of ventilation such as air-conditioning units all contribute to the number of children unable to comprehend the teachers voice. Education researchers Nelson and Soli have also suggested that recent trends in learning often involve collaborative interactions of multiple minds and tools as much as individual possession of information. This all amounts to heightened activity and noise levels, which have the potential to be particularly serious for children experiencing auditory function deficit. Noise in classrooms can only exacerbate their difficulty in comprehending and processing verbal communication with other children and instructions from the teacher.
  3. Children with auditory function deficit are potentially failing to learn to their maximum potential because of noise levels generated in classrooms. The effects of noise on the ability of children to team effectively in typical classroom environments are now the subject of increasing concern. The International Institute of Noise Control Engineering(I-INCE), on the advice of the World Health Organization, has established an international working party, which includes New Zealand, to evaluate noise and reverberation control for school rooms.
  4. While the detrimental effects of noise in classroom situations are not limited to children experiencing disability, those with a disability that affects their processing of speech and verbal communication could be extremely vulnerable. The auditory function deficits in question include hearing impairment, autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) and attention deficit disorders MDD/ADHD).
  5. Autism is considered a neurological and genetic life-long disorder that causes discrepancies in the way information is processed. This disorder is characterized by interlinking problems with social imaginations, social communication and social interaction. According to Jenzen, this affects the ability to understand and relate in typical ways to people, understand events and objects in the environment, and understand or respond to sensory stimuli. Autism does not allow learning or thinking in the same ways as in children who are developing normally.

Autistic spectrum disorders often result in major difficulties in comprehending verbal information and speech processing. Those experiencing these disorders often find sounds such as crowd noise and the noise generated by machinery painful and distressing. This is difficult to scientifically quantify as such extra-sensory stimuli vary greatly from one autistic individual to another. But a child who finds any type of noise in their classroom or learning space intrusive is likely to be adversely affected in their ability to process information.

  1. The attention deficit disorders are indicative of neurological and genetic disorders and are characterized by difficulties with sustaining attention, effort and persistence, organization skills and disinhibition. Children experiencing these disorders find it difficult to screen out unimportant information, and focus on everything in the environment rather than attending to a single activity. Background noise in the classroom becomes a major distraction, which can affect their ability to concentrate.
  2. Children experiencing an auditory function deficit can often End speech and communication very difficult to isolate and process when set against high levels of background noise. These levels come from outside activities that penetrate the classroom structure, from teaching activities, and other noise generated inside, which can be exacerbated by room reverberation. Strategies are needed to obtain the optimum classroom construction and perhaps a change in classroom culture and methods of teaching. ln particular, the effects of noisy classrooms and activities on those experiencing disabilities in the form of auditory function deficit need thorough investigation. It is probable that many undiagnosed children exist in the education system with ‘invisible’ disabilities. Their needs are less likely to be met than those of children with known disabilities
  3. The New Zealand Government has developed a New Zealand Disability Strategy and has embarked on a wide-ranging consultation process. The strategy recognizes that people experiencing disability face significant barriers in achieving a full quality of life in areas such as attitude, education, employment and access to services. Objective 3 of the New Zealand Disability Strategy is to ’Provide the Best Education for Disabled People’ by improving education so that all children, youth learners and adult learners will have equal opportunities to learn and develop within their already existing local school. For a successful education, the learning environment is vitally significant, so any effort to improve this is likely to be of great benefit to all children, but especially to those with auditory function disabilities.
  4. A number of countries are already in the process of formulating their own standards for the control and reduction of classroom noise. New Zealand will probably follow their example. The literature to date on noise in school rooms appears to focus on the effects on schoolchildren in general, their teachers and the hearing impaired. Only limited attention appears to have been given to those students experiencing the other disabilities involving auditory function deficit. lt is imperative that the needs of these children are taken into account in the setting of appropriate international standards to be promulgated in future.
  1. Giải thích từ vựng
  • Impairment (n) /ɪmˈpeər·mənt/ sự làm suy yếu, sự làm sút kém; sự suy yếu, sự sút kém

Eg: The law bans discrimination against anyone with a mental or physical impairment.

Impair (v) 

  • Auditory (a)  /ˈɔː.dɪ.tər.i/ (thuộc) sự nghe; (thuộc) thính giác 

Eg: It’s an artificial device that stimulates the auditory areas of the brain.

  • Deficit (n) /ˈdef.ɪ.sɪt/ sự thiếu hụt

Eg: There is a deficit of trust between the customer and the banks, which yesterday’s headline figure will do little to dispel.

  • Detrimental (a) /ˌdet.rɪˈmen.təl/ có hại, thiệt hại cho; bất lợi cho

Eg: These chemicals have a detrimental effect on the environment.

Their decision could be detrimental to the future of the company.

  • Consequence (n) /ˈkɒn.sɪ.kwəns/ hậu quả, kết quả

Eg: Not making a will can have serious consequences for your children and other family members.

  • Preliminary (a) /prɪˈlɪm.ɪ.nər.i/ mở đầu, mào đầu; sơ bộ, dự bị

Eg: Preliminary results show that the vaccine is effective, but this has to be confirmed by further medical trials.

We’ve decided to change the design based on our preliminary findings.

Our preliminary findings suggest an increased risk for those aged over 60.

  • Acoustic (n) /əˈkuː.stɪk/ âm thanh, âm học, độ vang (của phòng)

Eg: The concert was recorded in a church that is famous for its acoustics.

  • Ventilate (v) /ˈven.tɪ.leɪt/ thông gió, thông hơi

Eg: Set up fans to ventilate the house, lower the temperature on the air conditioner, and run dehumidifiers to squeeze excess water out of the air.

Ventilation (n) 

  • Comprehend (v)  /ˌkɒm.prɪˈhend/ hiểu, lĩnh hội, nhận thức thấu đáo

Eg: I fail to comprehend their attitude.

He doesn’t seem to comprehend the scale of the problem.

Một số từ đồng nghĩa:

  • Understand i understand why he did that.
  • Get the picture ok. Don’t say any more. I get the picture.
  • Follow it was so complicated i couldn’t follow what he was saying.
  • Grasp i think i grasped the main points of the lecture.
  • Digest this chapter is so difficult to digest. I’ll have to read it again later.
  • Exacerbate (v) /ɪɡˈzæs.ə.beɪt/ làm tăng, làm trầm trọng

Eg: This attack will exacerbate the already tense relations between the two communities.

  • Reverberation (n)  /rɪˌvɜː.bərˈeɪ.ʃən/ sự vang (âm thanh); sự phản chiếu, sự phản xạ (ánh sáng, sức nóng…)

Eg: She felt the reverberations in her chest and cursed the drilling outside.

  • Verbal (a)  /ˈvɜː.bəl/ bằng lời nói, bằng miệng

Eg: Do you have it down in writing, or was it just a verbal agreement?

He had apparently experienced a lot of verbal abuse from his co-workers.

  • Vulnerable (a) /ˈvʌl.nər.ə.bəl/ có thể bị tổn thương; có thể bị tấn công

Eg: It is on economic policy that the government is most vulnerable.

Tourists are more vulnerable to attack, because they do not know which areas of the city to avoid.

Một số từ đồng nghĩa:

  • Weak she was too tired and weak to finish the race.
  • Feeble many of the pensioners were so feeble they had to be stretchered onto the ship.
  • Puny he was puny as a child.
  • Weedy i was just this weedy guy who always had his head in a book.
  • Frail a frail, grey-haired lady walked slowly down the street.
  • Disorder (n) /dɪˈsɔː.dər/ sự rối loạn (một chức năng của cơ thể)

Eg: The family have a history of mental disorder.

She suffers from an eating disorder.

He was suffering from some form of psychiatric disorder.

  • Autism (n) /ˈɔː.tɪ.zəm/ tính/ bệnh tự kỷ

Eg: Her son was diagnosed with autism at the age of three.

Autistic (a) 

  • Life-long (a) /ˈlaɪf.lɒŋ/ suốt đời

Eg: She was a life-long member of the labour party.

He’s had a life-long interest in science.

  • Discrepancy (n) /dɪˈskrep.ən.si/ sự khác nhau, sự không nhất quán, sự không thống nhất, sự trái ngược nhau

Eg: There is some discrepancy between the two accounts.

The committee is reportedly unhappy about the discrepancy in numbers.

Một số từ đồng nghĩa: 

  • Difference what’s the difference between the two cars?
  • Distinction there’s a clear distinction between the two countries’ cultures.
  • Contrast i like the contrast of those red shoes with your black suit.
  • Chasm there is a widening chasm between public health officials and popular opinion.
  • Gulf peace talks attempted to bridge the gulf between the two warring nations.
  • Interlinking (a) /ˌɪn.təˈlɪŋ.kɪŋ/ nối với nhau, có liên hệ với nhau

Eg: The museum has compiled several interlinking exhibitions to celebrate the novel’s 50th anniversary.

The back door led to a set of interlinking walled gardens.

  • Stimulus (n) /ˈstɪm.jə.ləs/ sự kích thích; tác dụng kích khích

Eg: Foreign investment has been a stimulus to the industry.

The tip of the tongue is sensitive to salt and sweet stimuli and the back of the tongue is sensitive to bitter stimuli.

Số nhiều: stimuli

  •  Distressing (a) /dɪˈstres.ɪŋ/ lo âu, lo lắng

Eg: The news reports about the famine were very distressing.

It was deeply distressing for him to see his wife in such pain.

It was a very distressing documentary.

  • Quantify (v) /ˈkwɒn.tɪ.faɪ/ xác định số lượng

Eg: It’s difficult to quantify how many people will be affected by the change.

Quantification (n)

  • Adversely (adv) /ˈæd.vɜːs.li/ bất lợi

Eg: A lot of companies have been adversely affected by the recession.

The film was never meant to reflect adversely on the small city where it was made.

  • Persistence (n) /pəˈsɪs.təns/ tính kiên trì bền bỉ

Eg: Most financial analysts have been surprised by the persistence of the recession.

Một số từ đồng nghĩa: 

    • Perseverance a years-long political scandal broke last week thanks to the dogged perseverance of local reporters.
    • Determination after years of hard work and determination, she was finally promoted to ceo.
    • Stick-to-it-iveness this type of work requires a long-term commitment and a lot of stick-to-it-iveness.
  • Single-mindedness her single-mindedness helped her win six us open singles titles.
  • Doggedness their sheer doggedness and ambition helped them ignore criticism and carry on.
  • Screen out (phrasal verb) ngăn chặn

Eg: Home water filtration systems are supposed to screen out toxins and other contaminants.

  • Distraction (n) /dɪˈstræk.ʃən/ sự làm sao lãng, sự làm lãng đi, sự làm đứt quãng

Eg: His lessons bore me to distraction.

  • Penetrate (v) /ˈpen.ɪ.treɪt/ thâm nhập, lọt vào

Eg: Amazingly, the bullet did not penetrate his brain.

In a normal winter, the frost penetrates deeply enough to kill off insect eggs in the soil.

  • Thorough (a) /ˈθʌr.ə/ cẩn thận, kỹ lưỡng, tỉ mỉ

Eg: They did a thorough search of the area but found nothing.

Một số từ đồng nghĩa :

  • Careful after careful consideration, we are unable to accept your proposal.
  • Meticulous this book is the result of years of meticulous research.
  • Methodical i appreciated his methodical approach to the work.
  • Barrier (n) /ˈbær.i.ər/ chướng ngại vật, vật cản, rào cản

Eg: Shyness is one of the biggest barriers to making friends.

  • Imperative (a) /ɪmˈper.ə.tɪv/ cấp bách, khẩn thiết

Eg: The president said it was imperative that the release of all hostages be secured.

We consider it absolutely imperative to start work immediately.

  • Take into account: tính đến,xem xét,chú ý

Eg: I hope my teacher will take into account the fact that i was ill just before the exams when she marks my paper.

A good architect takes into account the building’s surroundings.

  • Appropriate (a) /əˈprəʊ.pri.ət/ thích hợp, thích đáng

Eg: Is this film appropriate for small children?

I didn’t think his comments were very appropriate at the time.

Is this an appropriate occasion to discuss finance?

Một số từ đồng nghĩa:

  • Suitable this film contains language that is not suitable for children.
  • Apt “unusual”, yes, that’s a very apt description.
  • Fitting the promotion was a fitting reward for all his hard work.
  • Promulgate (v) /ˈprɒm.əl.ɡeɪt/ truyền bá, công bố, ban bố, ban hành

Eg: An ordinance was promulgated that facilitated its acquisition.

Only by doing so can rational and effective preventive and control measures be promulgated in the future.

  • Initiative (n) /ɪˈnɪʃ.ə.tɪv/ sáng kiến/ bước đầu, sự khởi đầu, sự khởi xướng

Eg: The german leadership lauded the russian initiative.

The un called on all parties in the conflict to take a positive stance towards the new peace initiative.

  • Hypothesis (n)  /haɪˈpɒθ.ə.sɪs/ giả thuyết

Eg: Several hypotheses for global warming have been suggested.

Evidence supports their hypothesis that a long-term relationship built on trust and obligation between a buyer and a sub-contractor leads to prompt delivery and better cooperation.

It is possible to make a hypothesis on the basis of this graph.

  • Upset (v)  /ʌpˈset/ làm xáo lộn, gây lo lắng

Eg: It still upsets him when he thinks about the accident.

Don’t upset yourself by thinking about what might have been.

Một số từ đồng nghĩa:

  • Hurt i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to hurt you.
  • Hurt someone’s feelings don’t say anything – you’ll hurt her feelings.
  • Wound he had wounded her pride more than she would ever have admitted.
  • Pain it pains me to admit it, but there’s nothing i can do to change the situation.
  • Grieve it grieved him that he had been the cause of all the bitterness.
  • Corridor (n) /ˈkɒr.ɪ.dɔːr/ hành lang

Eg: He could hear the clack of high heels walking past in the corridor.

There’s a connecting corridor between the buildings.

  1. Luyện tập

Bài 1: Chọn từ trong khung để hoàn thành các câu bên dưới

screen upset comprehends account corridor
ventilate auditory preliminary adversely deficits
  1. Pitch-matching tasks require a child to echo individual pitches or short melodic patterns provided by an …………………. stimulus.
  2. The answer should provide an evaluation of the role of memory in the symbolic ………………….. found in children with autism.
  3. The two officials will be meeting today in order to establish a ………………….. agreement.
  4. ……………….. the room well while applying the paint.
  5. I don’t think he fully………………. that she won’t be here to help him.
  6. Increases in the cost of housing will affect some families …………………
  7. Sun lotions ……………….. out damaging ultraviolet light.
  8. I think you have to take into ………………….. that he’s a good deal younger than the rest of us.
  9. Her office is down the ………………… on the right.
  10. Sue always manages to ………………….. somebody when we go out – she’s a real liability.

Bài 2: Chọn đáp án đúng để điền vào chỗ trống

  1. Her study is based on the ……………….. that language simplification is possible.                            A.hypothesis           B. corridor
  2. Certain new bye-laws and rules were ………………. and many existing ones were modified.          A. promulgated        B. upseted
  3. Joe Walker will be spearheading our new marketing …………………..                                              A. barrier                 B. initiative
  4. I told the hairdresser to do what she wanted to my hair, and look at the ………………………!          A. deficits               B. consequences
  5. The policy will be …………………… to the peace process.                                                               A. auditory               B. detrimental
  6. Hearing ………………. makes it hard to hear or understand sounds.                                              A. impairment            B. deficit
  7. Most people with acute mental ……………………. can be treated at home.                                    A. disorder              B. autism
  8. Her …………………… ambition had been to learn how to fly.                                                        A. verbal                 B. life-long
  9. The …………………. of the drum were still vibrating in the air.                                                      A. reverberations        B. acoustics
  10. Problems in recruitment and retention are …………………. by reports of low morale throughout the profession.                                    A. exacerbated             B. ventilated
  11. Employers will have 90 days to resolve ……………….. in their records.                                   A. autisms            B. discrepancies
  12. The three areas all had ………………….. tunnel systems that were not equipped to isolate floodwater.     A. interlinking       B. life-long
  13. He ……………………… deeper into the artist’s life in the second volume of his autobiography.                A. promulgates      B. penetrates
  14. What would be an …………………… course of action in such a situation?                                               A. appropriate        B. distressing
  15. We would support a further cut in interest rates as a …………………….. to economic growth.               A . discrepancy         B. stimulus
  16. Many believe autism should simply be accepted and accommodated as a …………………….            A. difference         B. discrepancy
  17. Sales assistants are often at the receiving end of ………………… abuse from customers.                   A. preliminary     B. verbal
  18. The …………………… in the recital hall are very good.                                                                         A. acoustics          B. consequences
  19. Alison’s story is a reminder of how ………………….. women can be in what is still essentially a man’s world.   A. verbal     B. vulnerable
  20. What could be more ……………….. than the death of their only child?                                A. distressing                 B. appropriate
  21. It’s ………………. to act now before the problem gets really serious.                                   A. imperative                 B. interlinking
  22. He said it was too early to ……………… the total financial impact of the hurricanes.           A. comprehend             B. quantify
  23. He was known for his …………………. in the pursuit of justice.                                            A. stimulus                     B. persistence
  24. The doctor gave him a ………………… medical examination.                                              A. imperative                 B. thorough
  25. In an ideal world, there would be no …………………… to the free movement of people between countries.    A. barriers     B. persistences
  26. That dreadful noise is driving me to ………………….                   A. distraction         B. stimulus

Bài 1: 

1.auditory 2. deficits 3. preliminary 4. ventilate 5. comprehends 

  1. adversely 7. screen 8. account 9. corridor 10. upset 

Bài 2: 

1.A 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. B

  1. A 7. A 8. B 9. A 10.A 
  2. B 12. A 13. B 14. A 15.B
  3. A 17. B 18. A 19. B 20.A 
  4. A 22. B 23. B                    24.B                    25.A


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